
Journalism Club

In Journalism Club, the children take on the different roles of a newspaper team. They work collaboratively to think about what they want in their paper and assign the roles accordingly. The team will be reporting on key events in school and publish these. 

To gain a deeper understanding of the role of the journalist, different visitors have been arranged to visit the club. The first will be the editor of the Herts Advertiser, Matt Adams.

Keep your eyes open for the first edition of the 'Fleetville Express' coming soon.

Read All About It!


Pick up your copy of the  Fleetville Express from the reception area. 

A feature of the next edition of the Fleetville Express will be profiles of each of the journalists. Each member of the team has interviewed another member and has created a profile on them. The journalists were taught how to use Microsoft Powerpoint to publish their interviews and make them more engaging for the reader. 

An important part of Journalism club is reporting on key events. Our journalist have started reporting on sporting events and producing written accounts which appear on the weekly newsletter. 

Here is a photo of Journalism Club watching a recent netball match.

Journalism Club created a special edition of the Fleetville Express to celebrate King Charles III Coronation. They decided on their own topics and completed the research needed to write the articles. A copy of the paper can be obtained from the stand outside the office.
