
Assessment Information

To assess our pupils we use Teacher Assessment Frameworks for Reading, Writing and Maths. This breaks down age related objectives into 3 sections, Working Towards ​age related, Expected ​(age related) and Greater Depth ​(for their age)

Teachers will use both summative and formative assessment to gather evidence of work for each objective for each individual child. For each objective, teachers will need 3 pieces of evidence to be seen before saying it is achieved. 


To be working at the expected standard by the end of the year, a child must have achieved all of the objectives in the Working Towards and Expected sections for their year as well as all of those from previous year groups.  There are some exceptional circumstance where children do not have to achieve all objective but this is inline with guidance. 


For children who are working below age related expectation (Pre-curriculum) evidence will be gathered for their ability level. 


Report terminology 

PREC - children are working on objectives from below their year group.

WTS - children are working on objectives from within their year but are not yet secure in all age related objectives.

EXS - children have met all of the objectives for their year group.

GDS - children have met all of the objectives for their year groups and are deepening their knowledge. 


The Senior Leadership Team meet regularly with teachers to discuss progress and look at the evidence they have collated for each child
