
Fleetville Animals


Interacting with animals can provide children with emotional comfort and a sense of security, encouraging them to display softness, kindness, and empathy. This interaction teaches children that animals respond positively to gentle behaviour, helping them feel less lonely and potentially reducing anxiety and stress. Children can expand their understanding of various species, life cycles, and biology by interacting with animals. This interaction fosters a deeper connection to nature and enhances their curiosity and imagination.

Interacting with animals teaches children important responsibilities, such as feeding, cleaning up after, and grooming them. Through these tasks, children develop essential life skills and learn about accountability. Children who demonstrate empathy towards animals and comprehend the duties that come with it frequently develop better emotional regulation, leading to improved emotional intelligence in adulthood. When a child forms a bond with an animal, they can gain valuable life lessons such as love, loyalty, and affection, through this connection.


We love animals here at Fleetville Junior School. Here are some of our wonderful school animals. 

Our Guinea Pigs

We have lots of little piggies in Fleetville Guinea Pig Family. Cricket, Alan, Hetty, Betty, Bruno, Luna and Riley.


All our guinea pigs enjoy being held and receiving lots of fuss. They offer a reassuring squeak to anyone that needs it and will be your best friend if your bring them a treat to eat.  They love nothing more than climbing on Guinea Pig Mound and eating the occasional carrot! 


Did someone say circus? Look at the lovely new hide out that our guinea pigs have been treated to.

Eddie is our newest guinea pig. He is a lovely little piggy with the most amazing hairstyle! 

Our Rabbits

Hope loves spending her time either cuddling up with the children in Mrs Rolph's class or hopping about in the grass outside. Hope is a gentle soul and is very friendly. 

Honey is our newest rabbit. She loves having her head scratched and eating grapes as a treat. 

Our Fish

Come in to reception and meet our new shoal of fish!

We have 4 Platy Fish (named Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z & Beyoncé), 6 Zebrafish and 2 little Shrimp. 

These are all "temperate" fish as they have evolved to live in water at room temperature. They are not cold water or tropical fish and they are quite happy in a filtered unheated aquarium in a heated room. 

Our School Goats


In April, we welcomed Mavis and Barbara to Fleetville. They are a pair of Anglo-Nubian goats who were born in November 2023. 


Tiggy - our school dog

Tiggy is our school dog. She belongs to Miss Figg who teaches in Year 6 but enjoys spending her time in each year group.

Tiggy has been at Fleetville Junior School since she was a puppy and loves taking part in the full school experience. 

During the day, Tiggy enjoys helping the children learn in the classroom and during nurture groups, and enjoys playing with them on the field during lunchtime and playtime. 


