

Why we teach maths

Maths is the most powerful subject in the world.


Did you know it is the only subject that’s the same in all languages? If there was one language that an alien had a chance of understanding, it would be the language of maths, with its beautiful patterns, multiple representations and simple logic. Unlike other subjects, it has the power to grow and even change the structure of your brain; it has the power to predict the future and save lives; it has the power to shape the world and beyond.


Everyone can do maths; therefore, everyone can have this power should they choose to. This is why we teach maths.

How we teach maths

If we can be certain of one thing in this world, it is that there are lots of problems that need solving. Problem-solving, alongside building resilience and a growth mind-set, is at the heart of every maths lesson that we teach. We provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills and strategies that they need through models and worked examples, allowing plenty of time for questioning, checking and independent practice so that every child achieves success.


One of the aspects that our pupils love most about their maths lessons is the opportunity they have to talk about their maths to their learning partner. These opportunities are planned to develop pupils’ mathematical vocabulary and reasoning skills in order for them to make deep connections between concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of mathematical concepts, and most importantly with real life.


Fluency is also integral to our daily lessons because without fluency (the ability to calculate number facts and multiplication facts quickly and accurately), pupils cannot be successful at solving mathematical problems, and we are relying on our future mathematicians to do this!

Parent Information Evenings

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Presentation to parents October 2024

Presentation to parents Feb 2024
